Thursday, October 11, 2007

Have you heard of multiminding?

Its the process of simultaneously thinking about various things. I know what you're saying. Who, as a mom, doesn't multimind? Or multi-task for that matter! We are constantly shuffling tasks, calendars and dreams in our heads on a daily basis. And we are good at it for the most part. I often find myself having a hard time going to sleep at night as the lists run through my head and I picture what the steps will be in the morning to get things done. I can't imagine living life like this forever but I know that eventually it will slow down...when the boys are like 40.
Mastering multiminding seems like a skill we will all have to work on for a very long time. I can think about all the things I need to do while changing a baby's diaper and changing the channel to Nick Jr. What do you multimind?

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