Friday, September 28, 2007

Giving up and making sacrifices

Any mom will tell you that sacrifices come with the job. Heck, we sacrifice for almost anything. But, being a mom is a different kind of sacrifice. This week I turned down my dream job. The right money, the right people, the right experience just the wrong drive. The job was an hour and a half away. It would require a move closer in order to ensure my kids weren't in daycare for too many hours in a day. So, I gave it up. I cried. I actually cried over a job I never started. But, it made me realize just how hard being a mom is in today's world. We are raised to push for the best, the most, and getting there is extrememly difficult.
I wanted this more than anything. I wanted to be back in the corporate world wearing a suit to work everyday. I wanted to feel like an adult again. Some people can handle staying home and some people can't...I just can't.
Yesterday, the day I turned the job down, was my son's third birthday. Perhaps I can call it a birthday present to him. I learned that sometimes the sacrifice isn't worth it. Right now, I need to sing to him...he's jumping on the little monkey jumping on the bed...

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