Sunday, March 18, 2012

Patiently waiting for Brady

It appears I just wasn't meant to go into labor naturally. I mean I have given it the 'ol college try...three times now. I am more than 40 weeks pregnant and have been patient this past week as I stayed home to rest up and hope labor would come on its own. Now, I guess we just wait to go in for our induction Tuesday, March 20. Yes, I could still go into labor today or tomorrow, but I'm just not sure it's coming anytime soon.

I've done all the tricks. Pineapple, walking (twice a day), sex, evening primrose oil, red raspberry leaf tea, etc. I've been on bumpy car rides and did squats until my legs burn. Brady is just content.

So in the meantime what in the heck do I do? I got to thinking this week that it turns out...once Brady is born I will need a new goal. I've been so busy for the past 9 months focusing on getting ready for a baby that I forgot I need a new goal after this is done. Anyone who knows me, knows that I always have something I'm working for. The easy ones are losing my baby weight, breastfeeding for at least 6 months, and getting Brady to sleep through the night. Those will come. I usually prefer to have something to focus on that I've always wanted to do. I actually had to turn to my diary to think about the things I've been wanting to do. WOW...the list is long :).

Now I'm in thinking mode. Which one will I pick next?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Countdown time

Anyone have any suggestions on how to make the next few weeks go by quickly? After tomorrow's banquet I'm pretty much in the clear. I've tried to keep March's calendar as simple as possible. That doesn't mean I'll be bored, but it does mean I'll need to keep myself occupied.
Chances are I'll be pregnant for at least another two weeks. I really want to allow this to happen when Brady is ready, but I won't lie. I'm ready to see him now!
I suppose I'll pack a hospital bag sometime next week. Just don't want to jinx myself!
I have work to do and let's face it - a lot of Pinterest projects :). Guess I better get those out!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Waiting for Brady

So I'm well past the 36 week mark and headed for the home stretch. In typical Alpha Mom fashion I've got plans ( we are talking planning banquets kind of plans) until at least Feb. 25. But, once I get through this Blue and Gold Banquet I should have time to relax and get ready for Brady. I've set an official maternity leave start date for March 9. I've never gone on leave before I've had the baby before, but I figure the third one deserves it.
I've been so busy at work this week that it has really flown by. This is a good thing. Most people know I'm pretty impatient so if time is flying I'm not sitting around waiting for labor to start! I'm not nervous yet. I don't have a hospital bag packed. I figure I have time...right?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fast food getting a little too fast?

I think fast food is getting too fast for me. I can barely make it from the order menu to the window fast enough for them. They expect me to have my money out too? Yikes! We shouldn't be eating there anyway. I know that, but a busy mom has those moments when she just needs to get it done. The problem is I'm starting to detest the lack of etiquette involved with our five minute stop. Yes. I still get the forced would you like anything else? But the need to have your hand out the minute I pull up to the window is a bit maddening. Then there's the fact that you never actually stacked the burger on top of the bun. It's been years since I've had the surprise of not having to scrape off cheese from the wrapper or work around the ketchup that wiped all over when you missed the bun that was supposed to be on TOP of the burger. Then there are the half container of fries that end up in the bottom of the bag rather than the container. And finally the fact that I have to request any and all sauces and napkins.
Slow down fast food restaurant! You're going so fast you're getting rude! Next time take an extra 30 seconds while I get out correct change and use it. Stack the burger right, place the fries in a good spot and throw in ketchup and napkins. I'm a mom and I need them. We both know that!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Blue and Gold Banquet...

Yes, I did give the ok to plan a banquet for 100 Scouts and family members less than two weeks before I'm due to give birth. Yes, this is what being an Alpha Mom is all about...over promising and over extending yourself to the point of pure and total exhaustion. The trouble is, I've never been to a Blue and Gold Banquet. In fact, I had to Google it just to find out what the heck I was planning. Turns out it's a Boy Scout Birthday Party and quite frankly I've got a few birthday parties under my belt. How bad can this be? right?!

So, the next question is how would me planning it even come up? Well, as with anything, give an inch they'll take a mile. Everyone else was busy. Everyone else had projects A through Z. And I was the next gal at the table. I told them this was a bad idea, but here I am. It brought me to thinking a lot about volunteering and how we treat volunteers though. I mean, have you volunteered lately? You have to put up with a lot of crap just to give of your time and energy freely these days! To be a Boy Scout Pack Committee Member I filled out an extensive application (complete with background check). Then I went through 4, separate trainings that each took nearly an hour to complete online. And every time I think I'm finally "trained" and ready to operate I check my email and hear I need something else. Then there's how everyone treats each other. I mean we are volunteering here right? Shouldn't we be grateful for help, gracious for what they offer, and try to work together peacefully? It's not all bad. I love seeing things come together, but I hope we will all remember when we are out volunteering that the time we are spending is precious and we should try to be as gracious as possible. To each other!