Sunday, March 18, 2012

Patiently waiting for Brady

It appears I just wasn't meant to go into labor naturally. I mean I have given it the 'ol college try...three times now. I am more than 40 weeks pregnant and have been patient this past week as I stayed home to rest up and hope labor would come on its own. Now, I guess we just wait to go in for our induction Tuesday, March 20. Yes, I could still go into labor today or tomorrow, but I'm just not sure it's coming anytime soon.

I've done all the tricks. Pineapple, walking (twice a day), sex, evening primrose oil, red raspberry leaf tea, etc. I've been on bumpy car rides and did squats until my legs burn. Brady is just content.

So in the meantime what in the heck do I do? I got to thinking this week that it turns out...once Brady is born I will need a new goal. I've been so busy for the past 9 months focusing on getting ready for a baby that I forgot I need a new goal after this is done. Anyone who knows me, knows that I always have something I'm working for. The easy ones are losing my baby weight, breastfeeding for at least 6 months, and getting Brady to sleep through the night. Those will come. I usually prefer to have something to focus on that I've always wanted to do. I actually had to turn to my diary to think about the things I've been wanting to do. WOW...the list is long :).

Now I'm in thinking mode. Which one will I pick next?

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