I guess this online web log of my life is similar. Although it remains focused on the kids for the most part and a little bit about their parents. I could write for hours. And then I think about who is going to read it. And then I delete that post. And write something more appropriate.
The kids have completed soccer camp for the week. I can't believe how much they enjoyed it. In fact, they both wanted to continue, for the low-low price of $$$$$. HA! Hayden will play this fall. The leagues don't accept 3 year olds here so we will wait another year for Max.
After a week with soccer moms, clearly I need to step up my game. After all, I wasn't up, makeup on, hair done, and dressed to the nines. I even forgot their soccer balls one day. I guess I'll need some practice myself before H starts in the fall!
I think we are related! I am never on top of my game and always forgetting something! so enjoyed your blog
I forgot to say...my hair or nails are never done LOL makeup? whats that? I own teenagers LOL
Funny blog :) I can hardly wait to be a mom myself...maybe in the next couple years. I like your sense of humor!~ :)
Love it! I often go out without makeup on! As a matter of fact I seem to think a successful day means I get a shower in before 11 :)
I'm right there with you. I often times will exercise while they practice to help justify my just rolled out of bed attire. This soccer mom phase will pass by so quickly that we will sit back in a few years and wonder just how we survived it all. Enjoy!
I'm right there with you. I often times will exercise while they practice to help justify my just rolled out of bed attire. This soccer mom phase will pass by so quickly that we will sit back in a few years and wonder just how we survived it all. Enjoy!
I'm right there with you. I often times will exercise while they practice to help justify my just rolled out of bed attire. This soccer mom phase will pass by so quickly that we will sit back in a few years and wonder just how we survived it all. Enjoy!
I'm right there with you. I often times will exercise while they practice to help justify my just rolled out of bed attire. This soccer mom phase will pass by so quickly that we will sit back in a few years and wonder just how we survived it all. Enjoy!
I'm right there with you. I often times will exercise while they practice to help justify my just rolled out of bed attire. This soccer mom phase will pass by so quickly that we will sit back in a few years and wonder just how we survived it all. Enjoy!
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