Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy has made her way to the Dotson Home! Can you believe it? H is not only 6 years old, he is missing a tooth and has another loose one!

At first I was so proud of him for not complaining about it hurting and being diligent about wiggling it. Then I realized I had to play Tooth Fairy and hadn't asked a single parent what the going rate was! A quick 8 pm text message got me a few ideas and we settled (ok Trace caved in and gave) $4 for the first tooth. However, we included a note that the going rate is $1/tooth for future ones. Yes, I'm that kind of a mom. I didn't want him to think I could afford giving him $4 every time he looses one! With 31 teeth or so left to go he'll be a Millionaire by the time he's done with this.

It was a big step for both H and his parents and a clear sign we are moving into a new stage in Parenting - School Aged Kids!

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