Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I can't believe its been so long since I've posted. Well, let's see. There was a half marathon in between now and then. I lost 13 pounds. My uncle died. I turned 29. I think that's about it in a nutshell.

Life has been busy these days. The stress level at work has increased significantly and I find it harder to get up in the morning. I need a little stress in my life. People who know me well, know that I like to be a little on edge. This stress though isn't on edge. It's over the top lately. It has caused me to really seek the purpose of what I'm doing and why I'm doing it whenever I do anything. I will survive this but it has been difficult.

Trace will start a new job in July. He's wrapping up his last class as a flight commander and I know he's looking forward to it. I am as well. The stress of being in charge is difficult for him when the days are over 12 hours long, consistently. I know he is excited for the next step. He'll be the executive officer for the group. Something I know he has aspired to. I can see him enjoying his job more and more each day and he has said lately he is looking forward to seeing where it takes us.

Maxwell is on the verge of being 2. He's not into his terrible 2's yet but he is blossoming! He's become quite the personality. He reads books at night before he goes to bed, he loves shooting the basketball outside, and is ready to rumble whenever his brother challenges him. It's amazing to see him come out of his shell.

Hayden is as crazy as ever. He just finished his first round of real preschool. He did fantastically. He writes his name with ease and recognizes the letters of the alphabet. We are well beyond colors and shapes. He's still outrageously smart and verbose. Most people are amazed to hear the intelligence in his conversations. Me included.

My mom has almost made it a full year living with us. I know a living situation like this is not for everyone but it has been perfect for us! She steps in only when needed and the kids love her. She does a great job keeping up with them and I feel comfortable going to work. I could not be happier to have her around, still.

This summer will hold a great deal of exciting things for us. I will make a trip to San Francisco. We will take a family vacation to South Dakota where we will visit Mt. Rushmore. Trace has a few trips planned as well for work. It should be fun...and hot.

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