Monday, November 17, 2008


Well, life has a way of changing your focus and it has done so to me recently. I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile but at the beginning of October I received a phone call telling me that my 38 year old cousin was murdered. We spent a few weeks in Oregon trying to pick up the pieces of this tragedy. He leaves behind a beautiful 13 year old daughter. It has been a rough time as my family has passed the stage of denial and moved into the anger stage. This will last longer than normal due to the circumstances. But, I am at peace with the experience - I think -
So, we are rapidly approaching the holidays and looking forward to time at home. No, not Oregon this year, or Washington. Just time at home in Oklahoma. We need to recharge for another year so we will do so with our friends here. We are planning a New Year's party as the Pananon's are planning to visit but everything else will be low key.
Work is outrageously busy for both Trace and I but our kids are well cared for thanks to my wonderful mom. The kids are doing fantastic with her and are busy with preschool and Kindermusik. Maxwell is walking and talking and...climbing. He leads with his head when falling so he spends a lot of time bruised but he's a curious little boy.
Hayden can write his name now although we are working on him doing it without prompt. He memorizes the letters and recognizes words but I wouldn't call it reading yet. He continues to be amazing in his verbal skills. Something I hope he maintains forever.
Trace and I enjoyed a great weekend. He took me taxiing in his T6! The spouse taxi event was Sunday and we went out for a spin. While it wasn't in the air, only on the ground, it was a nice opportunity to see what he does. I am in awe of his knowledge and don't appreciate it enough.
I am good. Work is busy which means I am still gainfully employed. I am just a few weeks away from finishing my master's classes and then all I need is that thesis with a signature on it!

1 comment:

Jean Warner said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You might be interested in the Tree of Honor and Remembrance Ceremony Dec at 5:00 p.m., Saturday, December 6, 2008 at the Renaissance (Cox) Convention Center, 100 West Sheridan, Oklahoma City. The ceremony offers victims the opportunity to place their angel ornament on a special Christmas tree, in hope that the blessings of the holiday season would comfort them in the warm spirit it represents. This ceremony lets us remember and acknowledge those whose lives have been effected by violent crime. Several trees will be decorated with over 1,400 ornaments. This tradition embraces crime victims, survivors, advocates, families and friends throughout Oklahoma.