Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Media

I attended an interesting seminar today on new media. As I listened to the speakers gathering information I found it interesting that a specific theme resonated. (Generally speaking) The younger generation of the audience understood it, used it, and were there for tips and techniques. The older generation felt like they didn't have time to do it as well, thought it was a fad, and listened but, weren't convinced they would adopt it quite yet. The age groups are not a surprise but the lack of interest or commitment was to me. Social media are here. They may be a fad but, they are a fad you can't afford to miss out on if your job is a PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATOR. Particularly if you communicate to anyone under 30, ever.
Overall, good seminar and I took home some ideas and new quotes to add to the wall. "When your name is mentioned at work do people say WOW or WHOA?"
More importantly, I learned to be careful what you say and where you say it. I followed some people on Twitter during the seminar and I'm not so sure they were aware I was following them.

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