Friday, September 28, 2007

Giving up and making sacrifices

Any mom will tell you that sacrifices come with the job. Heck, we sacrifice for almost anything. But, being a mom is a different kind of sacrifice. This week I turned down my dream job. The right money, the right people, the right experience just the wrong drive. The job was an hour and a half away. It would require a move closer in order to ensure my kids weren't in daycare for too many hours in a day. So, I gave it up. I cried. I actually cried over a job I never started. But, it made me realize just how hard being a mom is in today's world. We are raised to push for the best, the most, and getting there is extrememly difficult.
I wanted this more than anything. I wanted to be back in the corporate world wearing a suit to work everyday. I wanted to feel like an adult again. Some people can handle staying home and some people can't...I just can't.
Yesterday, the day I turned the job down, was my son's third birthday. Perhaps I can call it a birthday present to him. I learned that sometimes the sacrifice isn't worth it. Right now, I need to sing to him...he's jumping on the little monkey jumping on the bed...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I did it!

I was offered a 90-day try out with a PR agency and I'm going to take it. Its a big drive but its the perfect experience for me and a fantastic group of people. Its a big agency in the city run by some very ambitious folks and exactly what I need right now. I'm at my best when I love what I do at work. I find that I'm more comitted and its easier to dedicate so much time to something so I'm ecstatic! I will probably start as soon as I get home from this trip. I can't wait!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I'm ready for it all...

Last week I realized that its time for me to move back into the world of working moms. I love my kids and struggle with this decision but I truly believe that its the way for me.
I often think about what my kids will miss. There will be days that I leave for work before they are awake. There will be days that I don't get to tuck them in. But we've been through this before with our first son and I guess I believe we can do it again.

I believe if its something I want to happen I will make it happen. So, I'm going to give it a shot. I've begun my search for a job and am trying to balance career, money, and time with my family to find the best fit but its hard. In the small market we live in there's not much so a good job will be a big drive away. Am I willing to make that drive in order to keep my career moving up? Or do I need to take a lesser job, a less fulfilling job, a less progressive job so I can be home in 5 minutes? Ah, life as an Alpha Mom.