Monday, August 9, 2010


For my ninth birthday Destiny Hixson gave me a Diary. It was pink, had ballet slippers on it, and when you opened it, it played music. 21 years ago I got that Diary and wrote in it nearly every day. Now, I still write. In my diary (the 7th incarnation) and online. I'm not 100% certain what it is about writing in a diary that intrigues me but, I love it. I can sit down and write for hours! About nothing!

I guess this online web log of my life is similar. Although it remains focused on the kids for the most part and a little bit about their parents. I could write for hours. And then I think about who is going to read it. And then I delete that post. And write something more appropriate.

The kids have completed soccer camp for the week. I can't believe how much they enjoyed it. In fact, they both wanted to continue, for the low-low price of $$$$$. HA! Hayden will play this fall. The leagues don't accept 3 year olds here so we will wait another year for Max.

After a week with soccer moms, clearly I need to step up my game. After all, I wasn't up, makeup on, hair done, and dressed to the nines. I even forgot their soccer balls one day. I guess I'll need some practice myself before H starts in the fall!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Soccer Moms

It's hard to believe we have been here three months now. Time has flown by. We have settled into our house and the boys are enjoying time between swim lessons, karate, Little Gym, and soccer camp.

I have had success with a few interviews, but haven't found the right position yet. I can say I am not interested in just any job. I don't want to spend time away from my kids for A job, I want THE job that makes my life better. Can any mom say they want to spend the whole day away from their kids just for a few bucks? I think not.

Anyway, this post today is about "How I Became A Real Soccer Mom." I don't know how many of you are aware of this, but soccer moms are brutal. There is a club. You are either in or you are out. The club is exclusive. Requires their members to be well dressed, with near perfect children who made the elite club team, and poise. Soccer moms are not what you think they are. They don't just show up at practice. They strategize with their children, stand on the sidelines collecting stats while networking with other moms, and they never forget their child's water bottles. They know where to buy the best soccer gear in town, their kids' outfits match their cleats perfectly, and grass stains don't exist.

Soccer moms are crazy. And for some reason I am embarking on becoming one. I'll keep you posted on what this life is like. Soccer moms are not just at soccer. They are at Little Gym, preschool, and the park too. I see a novel in the making...what a crazy life.