Monday, September 29, 2008

My first bump in the road

I spent 2 full days in bed this past week. A major bump in the road for my training for the do I postpone it? UGH! I just can't imagine how I can catch up. I missed 3 runs essentially. My Sunday run was supposed to be 6 miles and it was only 2. I wanted to take it easy so I didn't over do it.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Run Forrest Run!

So I have embarked on a journey to a 15K. Well, I'm mostly committed. There is a nagging fear that I don't have the time to train appropriately. I figure that I am committed to making the distance not a specific time. So heck, why not? Perseverance is a new found trait I possess. I have completed just over 4 miles at one time and a 3-mile run last night left me wanting more. So, I know the possibility is there. I just need to stay focused.
I'm training for the Tulsa Run ( It's a little hilly but I will worry about that when I get there LOL!
Am I crazy? Possibly.