Friday, March 7, 2008

Whole Foods/Organic Foods

I recently joined a whole foods club where people come together to order food that is local, organic, environmentally friendly, etc. The purpose of the organization is broad in that it is not only to encourage healthy living and eating but also to discuss cooking techniques and partially for homemakers to focus on keeping their families well fed and educated.

I joined the group not because I am a homemaker interested in some of these topics but because I share the common bond of being a mom with them. I'm interested in making our lives healthier in a number of aspects and this group gives me the opportunity to do this.

Max was diagnosed with a CCAM when he was in utero. That diagnosis has since been turned over but an area of his lungs continues to be compromised. A recent visit to a Pediatric Pulmonologist led us down a path of clearing out our lives as much as possible. We now use green cleaners on everything from laundry and dishes to our floors and mirrors. We also have instituted changes in our eating habits which we hope to increase by joining this group.

Organic and locally grown foods are available everywhere. Its finding them that is tricky. But, a group of minds are better than one. While I can't say I will be the most involved member it is a great opportunity for me to live a better life and I'm grateful for that.