Monday, July 23, 2007

What is an alpha mom?

Check out some of these spots to get the information on Alpha Moms. We are moms who want to do it all and do it the best!

529 Plans

It doesn't seem fair that saving for college is so complex. There should be one deal out there that is the best. But that wouldn't be America would it? I finally settled on the Oregon College Savings Program. Oregon is where I'm from. Although we don't live there I still call it home. The plan allows us to use the money at any higher education school which is great since we move so much. I don't want to stifle the kids by saying you must go here! Although I would love it if they liked WSU! GO COUGS!


Hayden is really learning to be a fantastic big brother. He is learning to share the attention of mom and he knows that he will always get his turn but sometimes he has to wait.

We are working on recognizing numbers and letters. I'm going to put up the alphabet in our play room so he can start seeing them and naming them. He works on some Winnie the Pooh puzzles right now that have the numbers and letters on them and he loves them.


Max is smiling! And thank goodness he is! I am so happy to finally see the little guy show me he cares about more than getting milk from me and the occasional diaper change.

He is a much calmer baby than my first but I think that's because his brother is so loud. He probably recognizes there's no room for more crazies in the house!

He is still growing like a weed! At 5 weeks he was 11 pounds and I'm certain he's over 12 now. I can't believe he's heavy already. No petite babies for me I guess.


I recently became a stay at home mom/student after working since I was 16. I have to say its a major adjustment and something I need to learn how to do. I still miss work and look forward to going back as soon as the boys are older and my master's degree is done. This blog is about my boys. They consume my life right now so why not?

My name is Tawny. I am 27 years old and the mother of a 34 month old and a 6 week old. Both boys.

I was in the Air Force for 4 1/2 years before I became a reservist and a civilian Public Relations professional. After only 6 months in the civilian world my husband PCS'd and I became a stay at home mom. I received my bachelor's degree in communications from Washington State University and am working on my master's degree at the University of Missouri.